An 80-Year-Old Man Goes to the Doctor for His Annual Checkup

June 2024 · 3 minute read

Here’s a hilarious story about an old man at the doctor’s clinic.

An 80-year-old man, in a cheerful disposition, is having his annual check-up. Glad to see his patient in a happy mood, the doctor asks him how he’s feeling.

“I’ve never been better!” he replies. “I’ve got an 18-year-old bride who’s pregnant and having my child! What do you think about that?”

Old man reading paper. | Photo: Pexels

The doctor considers this for a moment, then says: “Well, let me tell you a story. I know a guy who’s an avid hunter. He never misses a season.

"But one day he’s in a bit of a hurry and he accidentally grabs his umbrella instead of his gun. So, he’s in the woods, and suddenly a grizzly bear appears in front of him! He raises up his umbrella, points it at the bear, and squeezes the handle. The bear drops dead in front of him.”

The man frowns and replies: “That’s impossible! Someone else must have shot that bear.”

“Exactly,” the doctor nods.

Doctor sitting in front of his desk. | Photo: Pexels

Did you laugh your heart out? Here’s a bonus joke to keep you laughing some more:

An elderly lady went to the doctor with an interesting problem she wanted some help with.

After her regular check-up, in which everything checked out fine, the lady pulled the doctor to the side and said, “Doctor, I haven’t had sex for years now and I was wondering how I can increase my husband’s sex drive.”

Smiling, the doctor said, “Have you tried to give him Viagra?”

Elderly woman near group of people | Photo: Pexels

“Doctor, I can’t even get him to take aspirin when he has a headache,” she answered, frowning.

“Well,” the doctor continued, “Let me suggest something. Crush the Viagra into a powder. When you are giving him coffee, stir it into the coffee and serve it. He won’t notice a thing.”

Delighted, the old lady left the doctor’s office quickly, ready to follow his advice.

Weeks later, she returned with a disappointed face.

Doctor carrying stethoscope | Photo: Pexels

The doctor asked her what the matter was. She simply shook her head at him.

“How did it go?” he asked.

“Terrible, doctor, terrible,” she replied.

“Did it not work?” he asked, worried that he had given her the wrong advice.

“Oh yes,” the old lady said, ”It worked. I did as you said and he got up and ripped his clothes off right then and there and we made mad love on the table. It was the best sex that I’d had in 25 years.”

Man taking medicine pills | Photo: Freepik

Confused, the doctor had to enquire further. “Then what is the problem, ma’am?”

“Well,” she said. “I can’t ever show my face in McDonald’s again."

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